The hotel's post
A few moments, just for you!
Published on October 14th of 2016
It’s that time of year again for you to think a little about yourself before winter arrives!
As part of the spa health days in Loèche-les-Bains, from 5 to 13 November 2016, the Hotel Le Bristol**** offers you a gentle programme including culture, sport, rest and wellness. Take advantage of our 7-night offer for 2 people and learn to take care of your body and mind without foregoing those little everyday pleasures.
Spa health days programme at the Hotel Le Bristol****
Free programme
17:00 - 17 :30 Vortrag Wirkung Thermalwasser/Ablauf eines Thermalbade-Tages (German)
11:00 - 11:30 Presentation „ Die Wunderwelt des Heilkräuter“ mit Degustation von Kräuterprodukten aus dem Heilkräutergarten Albinen /Présentation „ Le monde merveilleux des herbes thérapeutiques“ avec dégustation des produits aux herbes du jardin thérapeutique d’Albinen (German and French)
8:30 - 9:20 Aquafit (German and French)
19:00 – 19 :50 Aquafit (German and French)
17:30 – 18:00 Referat „Thermale Gesundheitstage im Naturpark“. Degustation von Park-Produkten/ Présentation « Journées de la santé thermale dans le Parc Naturel Pfyn -Finges. Dégustation des produits du parc (German and French)
18:00 – 19:00 Weindegustation mit Varner Wein/ Dégustation des vins de Varen (German and French)
19:00 - 19:30 Présentation « Effets des eaux thermales/Déroulement d’une journée dans les bains thermaux (French)
Fee-paying programme
7:00 - 7:30 Hatha Yoga « Atemtechnik und Meditation » CHF 40.- per person (German)
7:45 - 9:15 Hatha Yoga (Senioren Yoga) CHF 40.- per person (Deutsch)
16:30 - 17:30 Entspannungs-Yoga CHF 40.- per person (Deutsch)
The hotel's post
16-19 September 2016 and 30 September - 2 October 2016 With Chloë Labelle-Luce
Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned practitioner of yoga, this retreat at Hotel Le Bristol is an opportunity to re-energise in a bubble of well-being combining rest for the mind and body.
Twice a day, renowned yoga teacher Chloë Labelle-Luce will share with you the keys to bringing together mind, body and nature in a natural, calming and peaceful setting to achieve total harmony with yourself and the elements that surround you. You can also enjoy the hotel's spa and thermal baths during your stay. This short interlude will keep you revitalised for months. For more information, visit